How do I attract new scouters?

Acquiring new leaders for a scout group involves a combination of outreach, communication, and creating a welcoming environment. Here are some strategies to help you attract and recruit new leaders for your scout group:

Community Outreach:

  • Connect with local community organizations, schools, and churches to spread the word about your scout group. Attend community events, fairs, or open houses to showcase the benefits of scouting and the need for volunteer leaders. A lot of people looking for volunteer opportunities don’t go to scouting because they don’t see them around. Be Visible

Use Social Media:

  • Leverage social media platforms to promote your scout group and its activities. Share engaging content, success stories, and information about the positive impact scouting has on youth. Encourage current members to share posts to reach a wider audience.

Create a Website:

  • Develop a professional and informative website for your scout group. Include details about your group’s history, mission, activities, and the benefits of becoming a scout leader. Make sure to include contact information for potential inquiries.

Collaborate with Universities:

  • Students, especially those in education programs, are always looking for places to volunteer. Sometimes for their courses and sometimes not. Reach out to the education programs at your local universities and remind them that you’re there and always looking for volunteers.

Utilize Existing Networks:

  • Leverage the networks of your current leaders and scouts. Encourage them to reach out to friends, family, and colleagues who might be interested in becoming scout leaders. Personal recommendations can be highly effective.

Host Information Sessions:

  • Organize information sessions or open houses specifically for potential leaders. Provide an overview of the scout group, its values, and the responsibilities of scout leaders. Allow time for questions and discussions but only have one or two people answering them. Multiple people answering questions tends to repeat answers and drag the meeting on.

Local Media and Publications:

  • Contact local newspapers, radio stations, and community newsletters to share stories about your scout group and the need for volunteer leaders. Offer to write articles or press releases to highlight the positive impact of scouting in the community.

Networking Events:

  • Attend local networking events or join community groups where potential leaders may gather. Establish connections and spread the word about the opportunities to get involved in scouting.

Offer Training and Support:

  • Assure potential leaders that they will receive adequate training and ongoing support. Highlight any training programs provided by the scouting organization and emphasize the rewarding aspects of volunteering with youth.

Participate in Scouting Events:

  • Attend regional or national scouting events where leaders from different groups may gather. Network with other leaders, share your group’s success stories, and express your need for additional leaders. Perhaps they’ve done something that’s worked elsewhere that you could utilize?

Highlight Volunteer Benefits:

  • Clearly communicate the personal and professional benefits of becoming a scout leader. Emphasize the opportunities for skill development, leadership experience, and the satisfaction of making a positive impact on the lives of young people.

Start them slow

  • A wise scouter once told me that they just ask their new leaders to be present for ratio. They start them slow by just coming to meetings, and eventually they feel more comfortable in expressing opinions, ideas and engaging with meeting and camp plans. Don’t rush them. Just start them slow.

Remember to be enthusiastic and passionate when promoting your scout group. People are more likely to get involved when they see the positive impact they can make and feel welcomed into a supportive community.

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