100 Ideas for Scout Meetings

  1. Knot tying competition
  2. Outdoor cooking workshop
  3. Orienteering challenge
  4. First aid training
  5. Nature scavenger hunt
  6. Fire-building skills practice
  7. Camping gear inspection and maintenance
  8. Leave No Trace principles discussion
  9. Hiking expedition
  10. Plant identification activity
  11. Wildlife observation
  12. Map reading and navigation exercises
  13. Team-building games
  14. Campfire storytelling session
  15. Stargazing night
  16. Service project in the community
  17. Environmental cleanup initiative
  18. Campsite setup and breakdown practice
  19. Campfire cooking competition
  20. Wilderness survival skills workshop
  21. Shelter-building contest
  22. Outdoor photography excursion
  23. Campfire sing-along
  24. Leadership development activities
  25. Backpacking essentials workshop
  26. Nature art and crafts
  27. Scouting history and traditions discussion
  28. Campfire skits and plays
  29. Astronomy night with telescopes
  30. Leave No Trace awareness hike
  31. Campsite improvement project
  32. Emergency preparedness drill
  33. Campfire cooking demonstrations
  34. Campfire safety training
  35. Outdoor games tournament
  36. Environmental conservation presentation
  37. Outdoor yoga or meditation session
  38. Campfire cooking recipe swap
  39. Orienteering relay race
  40. Wilderness survival scenario role-playing
  41. Nature journaling workshop
  42. Geocaching adventure
  43. Fire safety demonstration
  44. Wildlife conservation project
  45. Outdoor painting or drawing session
  46. Campsite sustainability assessment
  47. Outdoor safety quiz
  48. Campfire cooking challenge with secret ingredients
  49. Nature-themed storytelling contest
  50. Birdwatching excursion
  51. Leave No Trace skits
  52. Emergency response simulation
  53. Campsite improvement brainstorming session
  54. Outdoor music jam session
  55. Geology exploration
  56. Campfire cooking demonstration by local chefs
  57. Wilderness navigation relay
  58. Nighttime nature hike
  59. Survival skills relay race
  60. Outdoor theater performance
  61. Fire-building relay competition
  62. Orienteering night course
  63. Outdoor poetry reading
  64. Astronomy presentation by a guest speaker
  65. Outdoor painting competition
  66. Nature photography contest
  67. Leave No Trace poster-making contest
  68. Outdoor cooking recipe book creation
  69. Wildlife habitat restoration project
  70. Campfire cooking workshop with international cuisine
  71. Knot tying relay race
  72. Environmental debate on conservation topics
  73. Orienteering treasure hunt
  74. Outdoor meditation and mindfulness session
  75. Campsite sustainability improvement project
  76. Survival skills trivia game
  77. Leave No Trace campsite inspection
  78. Outdoor sculpture building with natural materials
  79. Fire-building techniques demonstration
  80. Nature-themed charades
  81. Wilderness first aid scenario practice
  82. Outdoor dance party
  83. Campsite sustainability pledge ceremony
  84. Orienteering maze challenge
  85. Outdoor storytelling circle
  86. Campfire cooking recipe creation challenge
  87. Leave No Trace educational skits
  88. Outdoor photography contest
  89. Nature-themed songwriting workshop
  90. Wilderness survival equipment show and tell
  91. Astronomy observation with a local astronomer
  92. Campfire cooking taste test
  93. Orienteering speed course
  94. Outdoor leadership training session
  95. Environmental documentary screening
  96. Leave No Trace pledge ceremony
  97. Outdoor painting with natural pigments
  98. Wilderness survival equipment swap meet
  99. Campfire cooking competition judged by local chefs
  100. Orienteering night rally

These ideas can be tailored to suit the interests and abilities of your scout group and can be adapted for different age groups and skill levels.

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